Sunday 28 April 2013

Life in the city continues to be wonderful, if I was to describe it in one word. I love everything about it: the noise, the beauty, the diversity, the taxis, the busyness. I am continually fascinated by my surroundings, and yes, I desperately want to just pack my bags and live here for real! Last week I hopped on the train and traveled to Athens Café to meet K. First off, the drive was lovely. This city is huge. Gorgeous. Invigorating. Then I got to my destination: a lovely little Café nestled in Greece, if you would. K, L, and I sat and discussed faith. We discussed what it's like for her to be Muslim, and for me to be a follower of Jesus. We discussed common ground like prayer and belief in God. We discussed differences, and what has shaped us into the people we are today. I was inspired by her dedication and intellectual knowledge, and convicted of how many times I just float along without truly having an "answer for the hope that is within me" (1 Pt. 3:15). At the same time, I came away incredibly grateful for the gift of the Holy Spirit. He is faithful. So very faithful and gracious. And so I go out every day, trying to make a difference. I pray that through His power we, as a team, can reclaim at least part of the city for Him. A week and a half ago, I had the opportunity to lead out in a craft project at kids' club. I have always loved kids, and projects. So, this was like combining my favourite things and giving them to me on one plate. What a hoot, and what a blessing! Kids. Needs. Love. Hugs. So many aspects of glory. He is displayed in every one of their smiles, and I just want to pile love on them as much as is humanly possible. One short hour is not enough, but it is a glimpse. I leave you with a glimpse of life in the city. Thank you for praying; All is grace <3 p="">


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