My King has been leading me on a fascinating journey ever since I said "yes" to Him. It's been a thrilling, delightful, rewarding journey, but it's also been incredibly painful and uncomfortable a lot of the time. Sometimes I forget that it's not all about me and I allow my circumstances to overwhelm me, to stifle my joy. Without fail, when I stop long enough to listen, to allow His voice to be heard, He calls me back to quietness and trust. The word "quietness" means "to rest; be undisturbed; be unmolested; to be still, inactive. To cause to be quiet. Essentially denotes tranquility." How can I truly be overwhelmed when I am called to this? How could this tranquility do any less than trump every circumstance in my life? You're right. It does trump all.
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." -Col 3:15 NIV
Let His peace rule. Notice the last sentence, added almost as an afterthought. Be thankful. Thankfulness, as known in the Greek language, is "eucharisteo". A continual gratefulness. It's the same thankfulness that Jesus demonstrated right before His death, at the Last Supper. You know, when He took the wine and the bread and "gave thanks"? Yup. Same word in the Greek language. Eucharisteo. The thing is, we're not commanded to be thankful only when we're having fun, when things are going smoothly, and all is right with the world. Remember what happened immediately following the Last Supper? He died. He became SIN and died. For me. And to think that He knew that all of this was going to happen when He "gave thanks". My best excuse falls flat in light of this extravagant love. I am undone in His presence. If He could stare the grotesqueness of sin and cruel death in the face and give thanks, doesn't that give me the same power of joy?His Spirit is, after all, living in me. Eucharisteo= a lifestyle of joy. I was first introduced to this concept through Ann Voscamp's book "1000 Gifts". As revolutionary as it was back then, it has only now truly become my heart's cry as I've learned to know the heart of my King more intimately. No longer is it a wonderful thought from this great book I read. Instead, I live it. I breathe it. Just when I think I can't handle another interruption, another frustration, another trial, His voice quietly invites me to embrace eucharisteo, and to allow His peace to wash over me. In the light of His grace, I rest. I lack nothing. He is everything.

{My girls in Tepehuajes. Sissy and I get to hang out with them every week to connect and talk about the stuff of life}
{I got visitors! So fun to have them around}
{Again, my girls in Tepe. We had a little Valentine's celebration, and what a great time it was. :) }
{Some more of my beautiful gals. They spice up my life, that's for sure!}
{Wheels. Finally. So thankful for this!}
{My beautiful Choix. This is up on the clock tower.}
Photo credits: Elaine F, Tim S, Lisa Y, and Russ L