I prayed. I responded. I began dreaming. How faithful is this God of mine Who daily leads me into all truth, and equips me with more grace than I could ever ask for!
So, I arrived in Mexico a month and a half ago, ready to start the journey of studying language and culture, and of creating a new life thousands of miles from home as I knew it.
This journey has been an intriguing one so far: a wild conglomeration of joys, mistakes, growing pains, and unplanned blessings.
I love Mexico. Not a day goes by that I don't step back and marvel at the beauty of my life: a rich, captivating collage of blessings. I love being here. The colours. The smells. The sights. The sounds. The hearts. I am surrounded by beating hearts, and I love it. There are moments when I literally stop, stare at my surroundings, and break out in the biggest smile possible, because of the wonder of it all.
It's crazy, really. Why me, why here, why now? What do I have to offer the people of Choix, when I am such a work in progress myself? Nothing. I have nothing. I have no capacity to learn a new language, to minister to those around me, to cry with hurting hearts, or even to breathe. I am nothing. But God. He is the air I breathe, the lyrics I raise in praise, the joy I experience daily, the hand I hold out to the world around me. Whether in Mexico, Canada, or the ends of the earth, He is the Great I AM. That really is the summary of my existence. As I continue to learn Spanish, and continue to settle into my new roles here, I invite you to celebrate Him with me. Celebrate Him for the way He guided me through those crucial first few weeks of bonding with my host culture. Those weeks jam packed with language mistakes, new relationships, unfamiliar customs. I am thankful that those weeks are behind me, but they were good. I learned so much, and was stretched in ways I would not have imagined. I moved into the town of Choix (which will be my home for the next two years minimum, Lord willing) last week. (Suzanne and I. We are on the church-planting team together, focusing on ministry in the villages, as well as domestics and ministry at the team base here. This girl is pretty amazing, and she definitely makes my life richer!)
And now, for your enjoyment: photos of life as I now know it:
There is no way to express my gratitude for all the prayers you send up to the Father on my behalf! I know without a shadow of a doubt that they are carrying me through every day. Thank you for blessing my life so richly!
I invite you to magnify Him with me:
"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples." Ps. 96:3