Thursday, 25 July 2013

Beauty in the journey: Transitions

I was 13 when He called me. Called me to a lifetime of being set apart, of giving Him everything. I was 13 when He called me to spend my life on His behalf, for the nations of this world. The journey has been a beautiful one so far; a journey of pain, of joy, and of grace. It has taken me from the little island of Grenada to the wide open spaces of Alberta, and it has been incredible to watch His hand and trust His heart. It doesn't stop here though, and once again He has invited me to be a channel of love, of His grace. Destination? Choix, Sinaloa. Date of departure? August 30. Well, kinda. The beauty of the journey is that there are pitstops along the way, and for me, this is New York city. :) I've been given the amazing opportunity to serve at the Mission Training Centre as a cook for 6 weeks! Excitement is high. Immediately following this time in NYC, I plan to travel to Mexico to begin a minimum of two years in the heat. :) He is faithful, and I am so honoured to serve in this capacity. So, here's to a month of tying up loose ends, maintaining relationships, and preparing for new stages of grace. For His glory.