And I smile, because the beauty of the Father's face is perfectly reflected in the faces of these little ones.
From the Prairies to the Concrete Jungle: What an incredible journey! First off, when we reached the border, we were promptly informed that we were wanted inside. No worries. When we got there, they wasted no time in telling us that there was no way Alana would be allowed to cross into the US of A, and that there was only a slim chance that I would be. Well, that was not what we expected to hear, but we sat down and started praying hard! Long story short, after two hours of waiting, we were given permission to cross. We danced out, I'm pretty sure!
Fifty-five hours later, we walked off that last train, sweaty and in desperate need of a shower and sleep! The moment I walked out of that subway station into the New York streets brimming with life, I belonged (well, after the uphill trek to dispose of my bags was over anyway :).
As I was lost in a sea of faces, and a hundred different sounds, prairie life was ruined forever! :) Those six weeks spent in the heart of diversity and culture were some of the best, most uncomfortable weeks of my life.
Venturing out to mingle with people and share my story was stretching but an amazing opportunity to watch Him turn my weakness into beautiful displays of His strength.
We became better equipped to go out and spread the Good News. We studied the history of Christianity, we studied current events in world missions, we studied effective ministry methods, we studied conflict resolution, and most of all, we studied Him.
We laughed.
We worshipped. We prayed. We cried.We stood together in thankfulness.
She came all the way from SC to see me. :)
We watched a dramatic presentation of The Cross and the Switchblade in the Times Square Church.
We relieved stress through awkward games of Dutch Blitz. :)
I was pampered on my birthday!
We visited a Buddhist Temple.
We experienced new things.
I renewed old acquaintances :)
We saw new sights.
We basked in the beauty around us; the beauty that is often missed in a bustling city, but it stands to praise Him regardless.
I got to do all of this with the greatest friend a girl could ask for. Doesn't hurt that she's also my sister :)
And... we finished our Orientation with flair! I am incredibly blessed to know this dynamic group of people set apart for God. Trust me when I say that I think about you daily, and my prayers go up to the Father for you.
From the bustling city of New York, I went to the little town of Millbank, ON. Culture shock? I think yes! Had an incredible time with family there, and celebrated the beautiful cousin's graduation:
Following this rather momentous occasion, we traveled through a number of states, experiencing life on the road with Harbour Lights.
Finally, the beauty of Colorado welcomed us, and we were ready for adventure!
Ellerslie: a dream come true. Ever since I was a young teenager, I have read Eric & Leslie Ludy's books, and been inspired by their dedication to His glory. 
They are my real life heroes, and I finally met them. In person. What a blessing! We spent the weekend studying the ins and outs of being set apart, completely sold out. Strangely uncomfortable, but the most exciting adventure of a lifetime!
We made more memories.
We met soul sisters.
We forgot to refuel our rental car, and watched God do a miracle for us, just because He loves His girls!
Two months after our eventful departure from the Wild West, we re-entered as stronger, richer women.
My amazing big sis and Mom threw a beautiful housewarming/welcome home party for us.
I got my Kenzi snuggles again... finally!
I came back to a broken car window. Odd.
I have a fantastic little kitchen, which I was so happy to come home to!
What a journey, what an adventure! Thanks again for all your support and prayers as we travelled: God opened amazing doors, gave us incredible new friendships, enlarged our territory, called us to new heights, and mostly just blessed our socks off every day. :) If I could write about all the glory moments, inspirations, and humourous accounts we experienced, I would. But alas, time and space prevent this from happening. However, if a picture is worth a thousand words, this one best sums up how I feel about this trip of a life time:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.” Isaiah 6:3